Bruchou acted as counsel in Digital House’s round of investments that raised over U$S 50 million

Bruchou & Funes de Rioja - April 19, 2021
General Corporate – Mergers & Acquisitions


Bruchou, Fernández Madero & Lombardi acted as counsel in Digital House ’s round of investments that raised over USD 50 million. The organization is a leading edtech that focuses on developing technology talent through immersive remote courses.

The investment group consists of Mercado Libre and Globant, two of the largest technology companies in Latin America; Riverwood Capital, a global private equity firm focused on technology-related companies, and current investor Kaszek, which is one of the leading investment funds in Latin America that supports technology-based and high-impact ventures.

Counsel to Digital House

Bruchou, Fernández Madero & Lombardi, through partner Balbi, Santiago Pedro and associate Romano Blanco, Juan José.

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