Data Protection: Bill filed in the National Congress

Legal News - July 10, 2023

On June 30, 2023, the Executive Branch sent to the National Chamber of Deputies Message No. 87/2023 (hereinafter, the “Message”) with the final version of the Personal Data Protection Bill (hereinafter, the “Bill”), to update Law No. 25,326, enacted in the year 2000.

The Message states that “after more than 20 years, the National State requires updating its regulations in order to strengthen the State’s regulatory and public policy management capacities with the aim of responding to the new challenges imposed by technological innovations and the development of the digital economy and, at the same time, to be in line with regional and international standards…”.

The Project was promoted by the Access to Public Information Agency, the Enforcement Authority on the subject, and is the result of a public consultation process, where opinions, contributions and comments from the private sector and the national and international public sector were received. The full text of the Message with the Bill can be accessed at the following link.

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