Record of FX Information on Importers and Exporters of Goods

Bruchou & Funes de Rioja - June 13, 2021

Foreign Exchange Laws & Regulations
Customs & Foreign Trade

On March 22, 2021, the Argentine Central Bank (“BCRA”, as per its acronym in Spanish) issued Communication “C” 89476 that lists the legal entities that must register with the Record of FX Information on Importers and Exporters of Goods set forth by BCRA Communication “A” 7200 (the “Obligors” and the “Record”, respectively). The deadline to comply with this registration requirement is April 30, 2021.
As set forth by said Communication “A” 7200, as of May 1, 2021, access the FX market for the purchase or transfer abroad of foreign currency by Obligors that are not registered in the Record will be subject to prior BCRA approval (solely except in connection with foreign currency financings by local financial entities).

To access the full text of Communication “C” 89476, please click here.

For any further question please contact: FX Team, Callegari, Andrea Carolina.

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