Update of the minimum capital stock amount for Corporations

Legal News - March 1, 2024

As of March 1, 2024, the Executive Branch has established, through Decree 209/2024 published in the Official Gazette, an increase in the minimum capital stock amount required by Article 186 of the General Companies Law for Corporations (Sociedades Anónimas), setting it at $30,000,000 (thirty million pesos).

This new minimum amount will only be required for those Corporations incorporated as of March 1, 2024.

The last update of the minimum capital stock amount took place on August 1, 2012, through Decree 1331/2012, which increased the minimum from $12,000 to $100,000. With the recent Decree 209/2024, it has been increased from $100,000 to $30,000,000.

The official text of the Decree can be found at the following link.

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