Bruchou adviced Coty in the sale of Wella

Bruchou & Funes de Rioja - January 11, 2021
General Corporate – Mergers & Acquisitions


Bruchou, Fernández Madero & Lombardi assisted Coty Argentina and Coty Inc. (“Coty”) in its reorganization of certain assets, including the commercialization rights over the Wella Professional and Opi brands to Wella Argentina, sold to NewCo, subsidiary of KKR (Coty’s strategic partner).

The transaction closed on November 30 on more than twenty jurisdictions simultaneously, and as announced during the first half of 2020, KKR will own 60% of the standalone Wella entity, while Coty retains the remaining 40%.

Bruchou, Fernández Madero & Lombardi assisted Coty Inc. through a team lead by partner Luchetti, Mariano, and associates Marcó, Pilar and González Raggi, Mariana related to corporate matters.

Also participated associates Angelico, María Florencia and Mammana, Mayrarelated to corporate governance matters; Tagliaferro, Lucila related to labor law matters.