María Eugenia
Lawyer, graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires (UCA) in 2002. She completed the following courses and postgraduate courses: Postgraduate Course in Environmental and Natural Resources Law at the Austral University, Update Program in Theory and Practice of Collective Labour Relations Law at the University of Buenos Aires, Postgraduate Course in Labour Risks Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Santa María de los Buenos Aires.
Argentina, Courses: “The internal audit report” and “Working papers” at Instituto Argentine Internal Audit.
Law firm Vassallo, Caputo y Asociados. Legal advice, management and monitoring of cases judicial and administrative. Labor, Civil and Commercial Law (05/2002 to 09/2003).
Legal study Dr. Ricardo Yofre. Legal advice, management and monitoring of legal cases.
Commercial Law (03/2000 to 05/2002).
Partner of Bruchou & Funes de Rioja specialised in Labour Law and Environmental and Natural Resources Law and in Human Resources, Labour and Social Security Audits. Maria Eugenia works in the management and monitoring of legal cases and administrative.
She has extensive experience in litigation and advising national and multinational companies. Advice to companies in the labour and HR areas. Legal advice, handling and monitoring of judicial and administrative cases. She specialises in conducting labour audits and due diligence processes.
Lecturer in the course “Management of labour relations” UCEMA .
- Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires (2002).
- Postgraduate Course in Environmental and Natural Resources Law – Universidad Austral.
- Update Program in Theory and Practice of Collective Labour Relations Law – Universidad de Buenos Aires.
- Postgraduate Course in Labour Risks Law – Pontificia Universidad Católica Santa María de los Buenos Aires.
- Postgraduate Course in Labour Risks Law – Universidad Católica Santa María de los Buenos Aires.