Recommendations for reliable Artificial Intelligence

Legal News - June 27, 2023

On June 2, 2023, the Undersecretariat of Information Technologies published Order 2/2023 (hereinafter, the “Order”), approving the “Recommendations for Reliable Artificial Intelligence”.

The approval of these ethical principles and recommendations follows a global boom in the development and implementation of projects involving Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter, “AI”). The Order seeks to provide theoretical and practical tools “to those who are part of the public sector, whether leading innovation projects, developing technologies, adopting technologies developed by other technical teams/suppliers, formulating the technical specifications for such acquisitions”.

The Order points out that the emergence of AI pushes States to define strategies to harness the transformative potential of this technology to solve specific problems and for the common good. It is also mentioned that the State plays a key role in ensuring that AI is transparent, equitable and accountable.

Without specific legislation regulating AI in Argentina, the Order could be the starting point for the development of a legal framework in this area. The full Order can be accessed at the following link.

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