BOPREAL: Payment of Tax and Customs Obligations

Legal News - December 26, 2023

General Resolution No. 5469/2023 (“GR 5469”) issued by the Federal Tax Authority (“AFIP”, as per its acronym in Spanish) published in the Official Gazette on 26 December 2023 and effective as of that date, sets forth that  Bonds for the Reconstruction of a Free Argentina (“BOPREAL”, As per its acronym in Spanish), issued by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (“BCRA”, as per its acronym in Spanish) ”), might be used to pay tax and customs obligations, fines, interests and  and accessories the collection of which is in head of the AFIP.

GR 5469 establishes that the exchange rate applicable to determine the cancellation power of these securities will be the highest value in pesos computed on each reference date, between the average exchange rate established by Communication “A” 3500 issued by the BCRA corresponding to the five (5) business days prior to each reference date and the implicit exchange rate resulting from averaging the purchase and sale of eligible public securities acquired with settlement in foreign currency with transfer in the local market and sold with settlement in local currency during the five (5) business days prior to each reference date.

To access the text of GR 5469 please click here.

If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact:

Liban A. Kusa:

Eduardo Mallea:

Ezequiel Lipovetzky:

Daniela C. Rey:

María Laura Bacigalupo:

Nicolas Nogueira Castellini:

Pablo M. Muir:

It should be noted that the above is a general commentary on the standard and in no way presupposes an advice or opinion in a particular case. In such case, please contact the persons mentioned above.

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