IP News Report #9

Newsletter - September 29, 2021
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Argentina and Uruguay ratified agreement on the use of digital signature
Argentina and Uruguay ratified the Mercosur agreement on mutual recognition of digital signature certificates that came into force on August 12,2021. Thus, Argentine and Uruguayan individuals will be able to validate their respective digital signature certificates with counterparts in these countries and carry out transactions completely digitally.
Read more here.
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Data breach on the Argentinian National Ministry of Health’ s website
On August 20, 2021, the personal data of twenty-five thousand people registered for the medicine residency exam were leaked through the Ministry of Health’s website. Due to a computer error, names, document numbers, telephone numbers, e-mails and passwords were exposed and then began to circulate through different social networks.
Through a press release, the Health Ministry authorities explained that the breach was a human error, unrelated to the Ministry and independent of the security of the system.
The intervention of the Access to Public Information Agency (Enforcement Authority) to investigate the events was not reported so far.


China approves new Personal Data Protection Law
On August 20, 2021, China’s National People’s Congress passed a regulation aimed at protecting data privacy on the internet, following the guidelines of the European General Data Protection Regulation. The new Law, called Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), will come into force on November 1, 2021.
Among other issues, PIPL establishes the processing of personal data must have a clear and reasonable purpose and must be limited to the minimum scope necessary to achieve the purposes of data handling.
The PIPL and the Data Security Law (effective from September 1, 2021) are the main rules governing data protection in China.
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Intelligence system considered to be the inventor of a patent
On July 30, 2021, the Australian Federal Court overturned a judgment denying a patent application filed by researcher Stephen Thaler. The main reason for the rejection had been based on the fact that the patentee attributed inventorship to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.
Read more here.
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Fernández Pfizenmaier, Paula

Intellectual Property, Privacy, New Technologies and Legal Advertising
paula.fernandez@bruchoufunes.com” font_container=”tag:p|text_align:left” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fbruchoufunes.com%2Fprofesionales%2Ffernandez-pfizenmaier-paula%2F|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

The author is grateful for the collaboration of

Raffinetti, Franco
Associate Intellectual Property, Privacy, New Technologies and Legal Advertising.

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